
One of the things that I have worked with thousands of women on is finding and trusting their unique heart's expression and having the courage to share it with the world. 

You wouldn't believe how many people try to do it like someone else. 

You wouldn't believe how many women don't know what their heart and soul's voice is! 

You wouldn't believe how many people don't know they have a gift, born from some of their deepest mess and pain.

The expression of your soul is different from a job and different from a business.

You SOURCE your business in your soul and the gifts therein.

You SOURCE your creativity in your deepest deep beingness.

And... as you drop into that space, you see and feel there are many gifts waiting to be born, seen, loved, and known!

But if you work outside in, creating a business, or looking towards ambition and goals first, and haven't done the inner work to locate your soul's voice and gifts, then make space for all of it, learn how to honor it and nurture it and open the channel to its flow -

Then the outside won't stick.

It just won't.

It's like building a house on a foundation of sand.

You want to find the sturdy, clear open channel, and the foundation of your soul's unique vision within you and build on that.

From that place, you can truly create anything!

I see so many women using the same tired language and imagery and I'm like:

"This isn't you!  You are just doing what is on trend.  I wanna know YOU.  The world needs YOU!"

Alexandra Has Been Featured By:

In this course, I will be guiding you how to locate your heart and soul's language and gifts- the juicy treasure inside of you...


How to find where you might be holding shadow around expressing this aspect of you, and how to transmute those fears or patterns into your gift.

How to feel your gift.

How to learn its language.

How to embody it.

How it relates to your sexuality.

Your creativity.

How to give it to the world and make structure for it.

And create the life you want to create with it.

Together, we will be...


Dropping into ritual together to connect with our souls, our hearts, and a deeper part of our being.

I will be calling you into a reunion with your creative soul...

Into an initiation into your inner being, your creativity, your gifts, and your sacred feminine expression in the world.

Essentially a return to you.



I have spent 20 years being devoted to expressing my gifts in many ways, from photos at art galleries, films in theatre's and festivals, my book, Moon Club (the first zoom membership community that existed!), an award-winning web series, a podcast, and so much more... millions of humans have felt the yearnings and desires and grievances and curiosities of my SOUL.  And I have been paid and praised generously for sharing that authentic, vulnerable depth.

All sourced from my soul.

Linked with my healing.

And as contributions to the collective.

I have deeply embodied the archetype of a creative powerhouse devoted to the reawakening of the feminine soul and the Goddess and LOVE for 20 years.

You and I influence culture.  In our families, communities, workplaces, and the larger world. 


We do.

Are you fully claiming that in your life?

You are reading this.

Is it time to take your gifts next level so they can open the hearts of more humans?

If not... why not?

What voices of resistance arise for you?

We will look at those together in this class.

We will learn how to massage them, work with them, love them...

We will meet buried dreams.

We will grieve moments we didn't open, didn't leap.

We will release fear and shame.

And be ready to share.

Your creative outpouring can be your spiritual practice.  It can open your heart.  It can be how you dance with life.

It is not separate from the way you make love.  Or give love.

The way you create is your ability to love.  This can happen in the kitchen.  The bedroom.  In your writing.

It's all the same channel in your embodiment and psyche.

We will open it.


This Is For You If:


- You want to put yourself out there, but you keep finding excuses.

- You know you have something to express, you just aren't sure quite what it is, or if it's really unique to you.

- You feel like you are doing something that 100 other women are, and don't know how to set yourself apart.

- You feel disconnected from your sexuality, and know it's blocking your radiance and aliveness and creative channel.

- You don't know how your healing or spiritual path is connected to your heart's gifts in the world.

- You are stuck in the world of "vocation" or "job" or choosing one fixed identity.

- You are ready to influence with your gifts.

- You are ready to make a mark of LOVE and awakening upon this world.

As feminine beings, we all express our soul gifts in different ways... some of us may be organizing, planning, and cooking weekly meals and dinners for ourselves and our loved ones.  Some of us may be on stages giving TED talks.  Some of us are entrepreneurs and running our own businesses.  Some of us are poets, painters, gardeners...

This course is not about a certain job, or skill, or trade. 

It's about how to translate your HEART and SOUL into the world!

I often see women focusing more on where they want to get in life vs. what they want to SHARE or EXPRESS from themselves.

It's not always giving your gifts, it's expressing your gifts.

When we share or express our gifts, it comes from a place of overflow (not to get something, or to people please) because our soul has come with something to express, something to say, something to share!

We will be exploring this overflow together and how it feels in the BODY when you're expressing from what feels pleasureful and expansive vs. what feels like a "should".

We will be exploring your edge of expression and the difference between your trailing edge and your leading edge.  What's a healthy expression for you and what's blowing over your own boundaries...

And so much more.

The Invitation:

  • Instant access to all of the course modules, so you can go through it at the pace that works best for you.
  • 3 video masterclasses with Alexandra that include ritual, guided practices, and teaching sessions.
  • Final integration practice.
  • Course Workbook full of journal prompts, rituals, practices, and teaching gems.
  • BONUS: access to a select few pre-recorded talks and embodiment practices from Alexandra for you to use again and again in your at-home practice.

One Payment


Pay in Full


Two Payments


2 Consecutive Monthly Payments


Here is where we will go together...



  • Masterclass on getting to know what blocks our energetic flow of creation.  We will feel this in the body and heart first, then lastly, in the head.
  • Meeting your Creative Demons visualization journey.
  • Embodying your Creative Demons practice.
  • Pdf workbook companion with exercises and prompts.


  • Masterclass on calling forth and getting to know your creative muse.
  • Embodying your Creative Muse practice.
  • Pdf workbook companion with exercises and prompts.


  • Masterclass on creative living, creative expression, putting yourself out there, and the phases of creation.
  • Life Force energy practice.
  • What Did You Come Here For practice.
  • Pdf workbook companion with exercises and prompts.

Plus a final integration practice!


Women Who Have Worked With Me Have Gone On To Express Amazing Things!

One client of mine moved from solely working and consulting full-time at Fortune 500 companies, to keeping her day job, and also becoming a poet, after spending some time accessing what her deep soul had to say and express to the world vs. simply existing within the identity of what her vocation is. She is creating a magical project right now about love that will touch many people.

Another client went from working full-time in tech and existing in life as a very shy, reserved woman to recording her first album as a singer to then launching her own creative business!  And this was just a little while later after our work together.  Her music is so touching and is the voice of her heart and soul we just needed to unleash.

What I know is that you can do the inner work, find your gift, and start to express it NOW.  It doesn't need to take years or half of a lifetime... 

And that is what I wish for you in this program.

What People Are Saying:


didn’t actually know exactly what I was looking for when I first reached out to Alexandra to work with her, I just felt drawn to who I imagined her to be, and trusted that there was something we could learn in community together. Then, one session in, she helped me to clearly articulate that I was on a “softness” journey, and that became the container for our next year and a half together. 

I am not the same. My whole life has changed. This is neither a metaphor, nor hyperbole. Doing this beautiful love work with Alexandra is 1000% a credit to the way that my life has shifted. From my relationships, to my career, to my finances, to my perspective – everything has changed and I am so deeply grateful for this unfolding of what I know about myself and who I get to be. 

I intend to be in deep devotion to love, for the rest of my life, because my time with Alexandra showed me the magic and the science of ritual, embodiment, and the pursuit of God. She is a wonder & my soul knows her well."

-EbonyJanice, Client from August 2020 to Jan. 2022


There is a dearth of spaces in this world where the deep feminine soul is honored and nurtured, and Alexandra has created that in her work.

I feel so blessed and honored to have worked with Alexandra in a 1:1 container. Her strikingly intuitive and compassionate witnessing pulled depths from me that I didn’t know were there, and a deepening has taken place that I will treasure and carry with me for life. I consider my work with Alexandra to be one of those important and life-changing pivot points, and one that gently guided me in the direction of continually honoring my soul’s liberation and expression. I trust now that, by the end of my life, I will have made and done things to which my soul would give a holy hell yes.

She is truly a gifted healer and she brought unconditional presence and heart to every session, which I could feel. My soul feels watered and seen.”

-A.O., Author and Licensed Therapist, 2021 Mentee and Client


If you desire authenticity, awe, and intimacy in your life, I can't recommend Alexandra highly enough.  What started as a creative project with Alexandra transformed into a full exploration of feminine embodiment and a journey of self-discovery.  It is truly that haute couture of sensuality; it was like getting to try on all the aspects of the feminine and explore the lush fabrics of wild expression with the most loving, intuitive, and precise guide – and to become outfitted with expressions of myself that were uniquely ‘me’, and at the same time, the highest, most radiant version of my being.

As a long time practitioner, I moved to the next level working with Alexandra — into one of the most potent meditations I have ever experienced; a new avenue of creative expression in poetry and art; and enhanced, deeply sensual and intimate dynamics in relationships.  But most of all, an awakened sense of self and a feeling of full radiance that I now have the tools and experience to activate at any moment.

-Cara Thomas

Alexandra is an artist, bestselling author, podcast host, transformational coach and teacher.

She has been featured as a guest speaker on many renowned podcasts and on TV including on two seasons of Netflix's Too Hot to Handle, ViceTV’s Slutever, Epix’s Sex / Life show and at numerous festivals and events worldwide.  She has also been praised in the New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue, The Guardian, Nylon, Playboy, InStyle and more for her work with women.

Her book “F*CK LIKE A GODDESS” debuted in July 2020 with Sounds True to be #1 new release and bestseller in 3 categories on Amazon for 3 weeks in a row.  

Alexandra spent over a decade writing and creating as a filmmaker, artist, actress, and director, including, Be Here Nowish (featured in Vogue, The New Yorker, London Times) and the VICE show Every Woman which was viewed by over 13 million people and turned into a TV pilot with executive producer Spike Jonze. She has appeared in Oscar winning director Steven Soderbergh's The Knick, had her feature film script Brooklyn Flea in Independent Film Week read onstage at Lincoln Center, and her feature film Mary Marie shown in festivals around the world and purchased for distribution by TLA Releasing.

She has created several masterminds and transformational programs for women and spirituality and she currently leads an online global community, Radical Awakenings, and hosts her own podcast "Holy F*ck" - available on Apple Podcasts, and every major streaming platform. She leads retreats around the world and has taught at 1440 Multiversity and Kripalu Center.

She lives in Boulder, Colorado with her partner of two years in the practice of sacred partnership, laughter, tea ceremony and dancing together. She loves to write poetry and cook and is working on her second book with Sounds True called Dare To Feel (2024.)

I Am So Excited to Help You Find Your Unique Gifts